Upcoming Events

Beginning of the Year Party
Wednesday, Sept. 1 @ 12:30
Location Room 104
This is a chance for current members to welcome 1Ls who are interested in the Federalist Society. We will discuss future events, t-shirts, ratification of a chapter constitution, selection of 1L representatives, and more. Lunch will be provided!

A Constitution No More: The Politicization of the Supreme Court and Our Founding Document
Wednesday, Sept. 8 @ 12:30
Location Moot Court I
Guest Speaker: Steve Dillard
This is our first speaker event of the year. Mr. Dillard will deliver a presentation on originalism -- or as we like to call it "the right way to interpret the Constitution." The touchstone of his presentation is extensive and lively Q&A with students. Mr. Dillard draws from his broad experience as (among other things) an federal appellate law clerk, former legal policy adviser to Governor Mike Huckabee, short list nominee for the Georgia Supreme Court, member of the Georgia Judicial Nominating Committee, president of the Macon Fed Soc, and appellate attorney.We are thrilled that Mr. Dillard is taking time out of his busy schedule to travel to Oxford.

Discussion of Christian Legal Society v. Martinez
Wednesday, Oct. 18 @ 12:30
Location Moot Court I
Guest Speaker: Dr. Francis Beckwith
Dr. Beckwith will be coming to Oxford from Baylor University to discuss the US Supreme Court's recent decision Christian Legal Society v. Martinez. Dr. Beckwith is the author of numerous books including Politics for Christians: Statecraft as Soulcraft; Defending Life: A Moral and Legal Case Against Abortion Choice; Law, Darwinism, and Public Education: The Establishment Clause and the Challenge of Intelligent Design; and many others. Dr. Beckwith maintains a busy national speaking schedule and we are honored to host him at Ole Miss.

In the works...

Speaker Events
In support of judicial elections
Free-Market Environmentalism 

Let us know if you have any ideas for speaker event topics (olemissfedsoc@gmail.com).

Several times each semester
These are excellent opportunities for a small group of students to gather with conservative-minded faculty over a nice meal and have open discussions.